segunda-feira, 5 de março de 2012

Theme 6 – Healthy Lifestyles

Lara Llamazares Loureiro

According to the health test that I’ve made I’m a healthy person. The majority of the results show that I’m aware of the importance of a nice health practice. At 17 years old I show a good fitness level.
Here are my results:

Cigarette Smoking -  10.
Alcohol and Drugs -  8.
Eating Habits -  8.
Exercice Fitness -6.
Stress Control-  9.
Safety - 10.

I did the same health test to my mother that is 66 years old and the results are pretty the same. She is healthy as well.
I’m showing her results right now:

Cigarette Smoking -  5.
Alcohol and Drugs -  7.
Eating Habits -  6.
Exercice Fitness -6.
Stress Control-  6.
Safety - 10.

My mother and I eat exactly the same everyday so the photos don't change that much....  :)

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